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Wednesday, July 30 2014

Even though it's Summertime and we intend to be lazy, it can sometimes be the crazy days of Summer instead.  The kids are out of school, we are running from one activity to another to keep them busy, we are planning and going on day trips or vacations and we just can't find the time to get organized.  

Not to worry.  You don't have to wait until the kids return to school.  You can still do some simple things to get on the road to organization now.  

I have some suggestions that will take five minutes and help you out:

1.  Hang Some Hooks - They take very little time to install and are a quick solution for getting things up off the floor - towels in the bathroom, camp bags in the mudroom,  clothes in the bedroom, etc.

2.  Do A Hanger Purge - Hangers that are laying around are not being put to good use.  Gather the extra wire hangers and give them back to the dry cleaner.  Refuse hangers when making a clothing purchase at the store.  Keep hangers on the rod for clothes that will be returned from the wash to mark the space where they belong.  One hanger per item is all that is needed.  The rest can go!

3.  Eliminate Junk Mail - While bringing in the mail each day, identify the junk mail before it even enters your home.  Keep a recycling bin and paper shredder near the entrance to your home for easy disposal.   

4.  Take It With You -  Whether you are leaving a room in your home to go to another, going upstairs from the first floor or downstairs from the second floor, take something with you that doesn't belong there and put it away.  This applies to your car as well. Before you get out of the car, take your trash or other items that do not belong there.  

5.  Create A Donation Destination - Pick a room where you can have a container for donations.  A great place to keep a donation box is in a closet or the laundry room for clothing that no longer fits or that you no longer like.  Other suggestions are for toys that hte kids outgrow or no longer play with.  Add to the box as you go and when it is full, take it to your local Goodwill or other non-profit charitable organization.  

So, no matter how busy you are, you can still find ways to get and stay organized with just five minutes of your time.  

Which tip did you like the best?  What other ideas do you have for five minutes of organization?  

If you are overwhelmed with the idea of getting organized, I can help.  I have lots of great ideas for you to create A Better Space anywhere in your home. Contact me!  I am here to help.

In the meantime, enjoy your Summer!  


Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 01:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, July 14 2014

Are you looking for some tips to maintain your newly organized home?  Some of you have already gone through the process of eliminating the clutter and finding a home for your things.  Are you done?  No, you are not!

Now you need to maintain the organized space you have created.  

There are some super simple and easy ways to put your things away.  They are short, sweet and to the point.

1.  Make sure it's easy to put your things away.  You found a place to store your holiday decorations in your garage on top of a shelf above the garage door.  Now you realize it's a bit difficult to get to.  (Been there, done that!  My ex-husband built a geat shelf above my garage door years ago to store the Christmas holiday decorations.  However, he always had to climb an 8 foot ladder and squeeze into a narrow opening to get the items up and down.  When we split, I changed that.  I was not about to climb up an 8 foot ladder, even if it was only once or twice a year, to retrieve my holiday decor.)  Consider how difficult it might be to put away and retrieve your items before committing to that space.  

2.  Make sure everything has a home.  All family members who share in putting things away should know where items belong. When bringing something new into the home, think about where it is going to live before you make that purchase.  

3.  Invest in good tools.  I don't mean the hammer and the nails necessarily.  I mean items like filing cabinets with drawers that extend all the way out so you can easily access the back of the drawer.  Purchase a better shredder to avoid paper jams.  Get items that will last so they don't fall apart and have to be replaced all the time.

4.  Develop routines.  Do your filing weekly.  Set a timer each night for 15 minutes for the family to participate in cleaning up. Eliminate junk mail on a daily basis.  Schedule one day a week to pay your bills consistently.  Determine what routines work for you and your family and be sure to stick to them.   

5.  It's doesn't have to be perfect.  Unless you are putting your home on the market for sale, your home does not need to be pristine. Set a comfortable standard in your home.  It's more important to have a home that is safe, functional and generally uncluttered.  Pefection is too strong of a standard to maintain and can be very stressful.  Relax and enjoy the comfort of your home without the clutter.  

If you have yet to start the de-cluttering and organizing process in your home, I can help.  I can set the stage for a home that is comfortable, functional and enjoyable for all members of the family to enjoy.  I have lots of ways to provide you with the tools you need to maintain the home long after the organizing process is completed.  Contact me if you want to discuss your organizing struggles.

In the meantime, happy organizing! 



Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 03:24 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, July 08 2014

Even if you are not looking to take on a large organizing project, there are some things you can do on a daily basis to get and stay organized.  The good thing is, little effort is involved.  

Here are some suggestions:

1.  Make Your Bed - This simple task will not only give your room a nicer look, but if you have pets in the home, it is especially helpful.  Pets have litter, dirt, fur, dander, dust or other items on them that you don't necessarily want on your sheets.  Take five minutes to make your bed first thing in the morning.

2.  Determine Your Route - Are you running errands or taking a trip?  Plan the best route you will take and know travel conditions before getting into your car.  Getting lost or sitting in a traffic jam is not saving you any time.  

3.  Load The Dishwasher or Hand Wash The Dishes -  Dirty dishes left in the sink, on the counter or elsewhere in the house is an invitation for bugs, pests and bacteria.  A cluttered sink makes it difficult to prepare meals.  Load the dishwasher throughout the day and run it regularly to keep your dirty dishes from building up.  Wash your dishes by hand and let them dry in the drainboard as you use them.  Put the dishes away on a regular basis to avoid clutter. 

4.  Open Your Mail - On a daily basis, bring your mail into the house and immediately sort through it, eliminating the junk mail by shredding and recycling.  Open up the rest of the mail to decide what you need to do with it.  This will avoid the build up of paper clutter in your home.  

5.  Lay Out Your Clothes - The night before, decide what you want to wear the next day, even down to accessories and lay them out for the next morning.  This will save you time when you are rushing to get somewhere the next day. 

There are many other ways you can do some "everyday organizing".  Can you think of any?  

If you are overwhelmed with the idea of getting organized or have a larger project you want to tackle, don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to help.  

In the meantime, I am wishing you an organized day!

Posted by: Audrey Cupo AT 08:45 am   |  Permalink   |  2 Comments  |  Email
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